In Round 1 of Youth Experience Matters, we asked 3 important questions to help us understand what encourages participation, what stops participation and what ideas teenagers themselves had for getting more teenagers with physical disability active.

Altogether teenagers identified 30, 33 and 45 unique concepts for encouraging, stopping and improving physical activity participation respectively.

In Round 2, we now want to know which of the concepts identified are most important to teenagers with physical disability.

  • Really not important
  • Not important
  • Neutral
  • Important
  • Really important

The concepts that most people tell us are most important will proceed to a final ranking round to determine the ‘Top 10 priorities for future physical activity participation’ as told by teenagers themselves.

Here is a sneak preview of some of the concepts that teenagers have told us in Round 1: (* The importance of these items is yet to be determined)

” Making friends and developing friendships”

“Maximising mobility and independence”

“Feeling self-conscious and embarrassed about what others will think, will say, and how they will act (e.g., being mocked or laughed at)”

“The task is too difficult or challenging.”

“Have one place that information is visible and up to date, to help young people know what activities are available”

“Increase coaches and teachers understanding of disability.”


Tell us what is most important, we are listening! Round 2 closes September 29th.